Legal Aid Lawyers in Charlotte Nc
The Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides civil legal assistance to low-income individuals in Charlotte, North Carolina, and west-central North Carolina. The mission ensures a full measure of justice for those in need. Visit the website to see what types of cases we handle, which clients are eligible for our services, or frequently asked questions about the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. If you can`t find legal aid and pro bono services in your area, or if you`re not eligible for their services, you may want to consider Charlotte Private Practice Family Lawyers. The number of adults and children we received in Charlotte Immigration Court last year to help them prepare for prosecution when they can`t find or afford representation. Please note that Legal Aid of NC (LANC) does not offer legal assistance via email. Instead, call or come to the LANC office for help. Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) is a statewide nonprofit law that provides free civil legal services to low-income individuals to ensure equal access to justice and remove legal barriers to economic opportunity. Legal Aid of NC – Charlotte Office legal staff provide civil legal assistance to eligible low-income clients who are struggling to meet their basic needs and who live in Mecklenburg County. The number of residents of Mecklenburg County who are eligible for our services and require legal assistance but cannot afford private lawyers. The Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy helps residents of the Charlotte, North Carolina area who can`t afford legal services but desperately need them. Without legal representation in civil cases, thousands of families can lose access to financial security, health care, housing and opportunity. Please bring with us all documents relevant to the legal issue you wish to discuss.
Often, there is a maximum salary a client can earn by working with a legal aid or pro bono lawyer. Eligibility depends on household size and income. You must also have a legal issue that falls within the guidelines of what we can help clients. The amount of money that goes back into the North Carolina economy for every dollar invested in legal aid providers like the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. If you have a legal issue to deal with and are currently receiving food stamps or have a low income, use Super Lawyers to find an experienced legal/pro bono lawyer. 1. Family support and health care 2. Immigration justice 3. Consumer and labour law 4. Western North Carolina Low Income Taxpayer Clinic 5. Legal services for the elderly 6. HIV/AIDS Legal Aid Project 7.
Veterans Legal Services Project Client Helpline: 704-376-1600 Outside the Mecklenburg district: 800-438-1254 (toll-free) Legal advice for seniors: 704-334-0400 Spanish Line: 800-247-1031 (toll-free) Administrative appeals: 704-971-2622 You`ve been charged with a crime and don`t have the money for an expensive defense lawyer? The impact goes far beyond our neighbours in need. It affects our entire Community. The amount of financial benefits earned on behalf of our clients through our support over the past year. Mecklenburg County Bar Association (704) 375-86242850 Zebulon AvenueCharlotte, NC 28208Family Planning, Bankruptcy, Divorce and Estate This service is only available upon request. If you do not have transportation to our office and/or if you do not have a telephone, we will mail you the registration sheet and correspond with you. There are a few limited exceptions. Please call the North Carolina Legal Aid office in Charlotte to find out if you are eligible for our services. The number of people the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy serves each year through one-on-one representation in the Charlotte area. If there is someone we can help and we need to be able to communicate with them, we will hire interpreters.
The amount of money the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy receives from Legal Services Corporation. We have forgone these funds to continue our advocacy and dedicated service work to vulnerable populations.